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The philosophy of Pianoforce Player systems was always to provide as much music selection as possible in accordance with your preferred musical style. This even includes the possibility of playing music which was not created and recorded by Pianoforce alone. While other player systems are limited to their special formatted libraries, the Performance is an open system with a unique ability to play multiple formats. The Pianoforce user is free to choose the best recordings of all available libraries.
a) Internal library containing 3 hours of quality Jazz quartet studio recordings. Five hours of classical solo piano. b) The Performance system offers 5 CD’s as a standard package. c) PIANOFORCE RADIO. A unique technology providing a non- stop mix of live piano music accompanied by original audio tracks from famous artists. d) Stars & Tracks. Pianoforce’s special library of commercial Audio CD’s accompanied by your piano. e) Playback of Yamaha Excellent libraries PianoSoft Plus Audio f) Pianomation format. Large library of numerous stylesg) Webonlypiano